Does the Visual Lint installer include a trial version of PC-lint or PC-lint Plus?

PC-lint 9.0 has now been discontinued, and although its successor PC-lint Plus has a 30 day trial version, licencing restrictions prevent us from including it in the Visual Lint installer.

You can request a trial installation of PC-lint Plus from its vendor, Vector Informatik GmbH.

If you need to purchase a copy of PC-lint Plus you can order it from Vector Informatik GmbH.


If is worth bearing in mind that Visual Lint can also analyse C++ code using open source and freely downloadable analysis tools such as Clang-Tidy, CppCheck, cpplint or Vera++. Hence if you do not have PC-lint or PC-lint Plus, you can try Visual Lint out using one or more of these tools without having to purchase a PC-lint Plus licence.

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